President & Vice President

The Bundeskartellamt is headed by President Andreas Mundt and Vice President Prof. Dr Konrad Ost.

The President of the Bundeskartellamt,
Andreas Mundt

Andreas Mundt, born on 13 August 1960 in Bonn and married with three children, has been President of the Bundeskartellamt since 2009. Since 2013 he has also been Steering Group Chair of the International Competition Network (ICN).

Andreas Mundt joined the Bundeskartellamt in 2000 and held various positions, including Rapporteur in the 8th Decision Division responsible for cases relating to the banking sector. In 2001 he became Head of the International Unit and in 2005 Head of the General Policy Division.

After studying law and training as a lawyer in Bonn and Lausanne, Andreas Mundt started his career as a desk officer in the task force “New German Länder” at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs in 1991. From 1993 to 2000 he was a desk officer for labour and social law in the parliamentary group of the Free Democratic Party (FDP).


The Vice President of the Bundeskartellamt,
Prof. Dr Konrad Ost

Prof. Dr Konrad Ost has been Vice President of the Bundeskartellamt since 2015.

Konrad Ost studied law in Heidelberg, Singapore and Cambridge (UK). After joining the Bundeskartellamt in 2000, he held various positions, including Head of the German and European Competition Law Unit from 2004 to 2008 and then Head of the Litigation and Legal Division until 2010. From 2010 to 2015 he was Head of the authority’s General Policy Division.

Since 2015 Konrad Ost has been an honorary professor at the University of Bonn, where he teaches competition law. He is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Forschungsinstitut für Wirtschaftsverfassung und Wettbewerb e.V. (FIW).

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