Sector inquiry into mobile apps

In July 2021 the Bundeskartellamt presented the results of its sector inquiry into mobile apps. The sector inquiry identified considerable data protection shortcomings and presented possible solutions.

Sector inquiry into mobile apps

Results of the sector inquiry to examine consumer rights (July 2021)

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The following issues were identified:

  • Insufficient information about the fact that data are accessed when using apps. This included information on whether data might be shared with third-party companies, for example.
  • Insufficient transparency about contractual partners. This included information on who to contact for warranty claims.
  • Insufficient possibilities to control data processing. The sector inquiry showed that despite quite a few innovations with regard to privacy and options to control data at operating system level, there was still much room for improvement.

What can users do?

  • Where possible, opt out of giving your consent.
  • Before downloading an app, check whether there are privacy-friendly alternatives.
  • Avoid providing information in apps that can be used to uniquely identify you.
  • Choose apps that can be used completely offline.
  • Take a critical look at pre-installed apps.
  • Is an app really necessary? Often you can simply use your browser.
  • Select privacy-friendly settings in your browser app.

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