Current contents of the Federal Cartel Office

Competition conditions in the refining and wholesale of fuels – Bundeskartellamt presents final report on its sector inquiry

Risks due to price assessments – Limited alternative options for regional ex-refinery fuel procurement – Very frequent price changes at petrol stations.

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Blauens Cover, unterhalb fährt ein LKW mit Kraftstoff beladen auf eine Raffinerie zu
Source:Bundeskartellamt, AdobeStock AiHRG Design

Bundeskartellamt clears takeover of SiNN GmbH by the Peek & Cloppenburg group (Düsseldorf)

The Bundeskartellamt has cleared plans by JC Switzerland Holding AG to take over SiNN GmbH, which is currently undergoing insolvency proceedings. JC Switzerland Holding AG belongs to the Peek & Cloppenburg group (P&C, Düsseldorf).

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Modegeschäft mit Klamottenauslage, links ist eine Kasse zu sehen
Source:Adobe Stock/neotemplars106

Bundeskartellamt has concerns about the current form of Apple’s App Tracking Transparency Framework (ATTF)

The Bundeskartellamt has today sent Apple Inc. and Apple GmbH its preliminary legal assessment of Apple’s “App Tracking Transparency Framework” (ATTF).

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Eine Person tippt auf einem Handy, auf dem Bildschirm ist ein ein Einkaufswagen und darunter steht "Pay now", im Hintergrund sieht man verschwommen Lichter
Source:Shutterstock/Pop Tika

Sonic Healthcare can acquire the medical laboratory group LADR Dr. Kramer & Kollegen

The Bundeskartellamt has cleared plans by the German subsidiary of the Australian laboratory medicine company Sonic Healthcare to acquire the medical laboratory group LADR Dr. Kramer & Kollegen, based in Geesthacht, in the first phase of merger control.

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Wissenschaftlerin in einem weißen Laborkittel, die ein Fläschchen mit einer Probe für eine Analyse mit einem Gaschromatographen in einem biomedizinischen Labor vorbereitet
Source:Adobe Stock/BGStock72

Review of 2024

- Fines amounting to approximately 19.4 million euros imposed for illegal cartel agreements
- Proceedings against Amazon, Apple, Alphabet/Google, Meta/Facebook and Microsoft
- Approximately 900 company mergers examined

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Haupthaus des Bundeskartellamtes in Frotansicht. Rechts wehen die Fahne von Deutschland, der EU und des Bundeskartellamtes

Bundeskartellamt clears acquisition of Altair Engineering by Siemens

The Bundeskartellamt has cleared the proposed acquisition of Altair Engineering (Altair) by Siemens.

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Ein Mann sitzt vor drei Bildschirmen und konstruiert ein Flugzeug
Source:Adobe Stock/jabulart

Latest news

Merger proceeding JenaValve/Edwards discontinued


Competition conditions in the refining and wholesale of fuels – Bundeskartellamt presents final report on its sector inquiry


Bundeskartellamt clears takeover of SiNN GmbH by the Peek & Cloppenburg group (Düsseldorf)


Bundeskartellamt has concerns about the current form of Apple’s App Tracking Transparency Framework (ATTF)


Sonic Healthcare can acquire the medical laboratory group LADR Dr. Kramer & Kollegen


Joint venture between Rheinmetall and Leonardo cleared


Bundeskartellamt clears HUK’s acquisition of the pitstop vehicle repair chain


Bundeskartellamt clears acquisition of Altair Engineering by Siemens


Bundeskartellamt clears takeover of infas by Ipsos


Review of 2024


Bundeskartellamt currently sees no scope for joint TV marketing by RTL and RTL2


Decision and case summary in Microsoft Section 19a proceeding published


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